Our Adventure in South Korea


Shame on us XD


For the swedish readers : Vi har haft mycket att göra * HOST* haha.. dålig ursäkt jag vet XD

Well as you might see we haven’t updated in a while it’s been more than a month … not good.  Anyway now it’s not much time left here in korea so we are going to try to write as much as we can. 

It has happend things during this past month but I can’t really remember what. Maybe Naomi has a better memory=P.  I remember something anyway. For about 10 days we went to Japan =D jippi. We took the boat from Busan to Fukouka. from there we went to Kyoto and then to Hiroshima.  It was a great experience and I and the others ( i’m sure) had a great time.  This could all happend thanks to Lukas’ host family =) They were going there with lukas and then they asked us ( the other Swedes) if we wanted to tag along. I’M SO GREATFUL !!

As i mentioned the time here is begining  to come to it’s end =(. It’s both with happy and sad feelings. Ofc I want back to all my friends in sweden ( I MISS YOU GUYS SOO SOOO MUCH<3<3) but on the other hand i’m going to miss Korea and all the new friends that I got to know here.  I hope I’ll be able to meet some of them again in the future. But for now I’m going to enjoy my time here to the fullest and creat great memories =)

<Topic Change XD>

We got a assignment in the korean class today XD
We are going to ask atleast two students about their family. Here is the question :

  1. 가족이몇이에요?

haha if you understand and can answer back in korean then please do so 😛 haha .

well now I need to study !

Over and out XD

~ Jennie

This must be the feeling of Love


TaeYang, you make my day. “I wanna make love to you, baby say my name. Hanbondo, hanbondo, let’s do it again.” LOL! That’s the only part that’s like.. well stuck in my head. Ahh.. Taeyang. There’s nothing wrong with this.

So, I was thinking about telling you about my Chuseok, but that didn’t really feel necessary, since it was basically like Jennie’s explanation. So, I was thinking about talking about random things. Cool, right? Yeah.

Last week, we had a break from school, because of Chuseok – duhh! I brought all my books to study. Srsly, my estimation of the weight of my books would be infinite. That’s actually possible. I swear. Except for the day of Chuseok and the two days Jennie and I went to Seomyeon (I’ll write more about that later), I had a lot of time to study. The question would then be: Did you study? 😀 😀 😀
Answer: Meh. Cause well, I did study, but not as efficient as I thought I would. The only things I did was chemistry and swedish. It just takes so much more time when you’re doing everything alone. Pahhhhh.
Anyway.. on to the more fun part. Jennie and I went to Seomyeon – basically a shopping district. Dude, I swear.. it’s not like any kind of shopping place I’ve ever seen before. It’s a freaking underground shopping area. I can honestly say that I’ve never seen anything like this ever, not even on TV. You go down to the subway.. and then it just continues, continues and continues..! NUTS! Oh, and there’s so much too shop. A few know that I suck when it comes to shopping. That day I managed to shop for approx. 1200 SEK! I’d say that’s pretty good, since I got a lot of stuff for it. I shall list the items, for the ones who might be just a teeny bit interested:

    • – Skirt
    • – Skirt
    • – Skirt
    • – Shoes
    • – high heels (I know.)
    • – shirt
    • –  shirt
    • – sweater

That was it. That’s pretty good for 1200 SEK!
The cool part about shopping that day was that it was our first time going to town alone. Without anyone to guide us or anything. That’s skilled. Speaking of which, haha.. while I was waiting for the train in the subway, this guy passes by and I notice something.. He’s AFRICAN! HA, he noticed that I was kinda African too, and we said hi! It was awesome, lol. Connection right there.
Then in the train there was this other black guy who sat next to me, but that kinda ruined it, because well.. it’s supposed to be more of a, well.. how do you say it, unique moment? Lol. Sort of. It’s South Korea, give me a break.

This week there wasn’t anything special, except for the midterm hype. It’s kinda nuts here. The only thing, literally, the students do is to study. Study, study and STUDY. Kinda funny, cause well.. it’s pretty equivalent to the IB system. But then we only have it once a year. They have it 4 times a year. That’s pretty nuts. It’s happened twice where people kinda just pass by crying. The pressure is massive, and sometimes the teachers here don’t really make it easier for them. These students are the future of South Korea, and they won’t really get the chance to forget that. Since South Korea’s been so vulnerable in the past, they’ve been so eager to compensate and get to the top, basically (so awkward if these thoughts are so far away from the truth). So it really is that the future generations have to be at their top too.

Oh, and we ordered pizza. These guys from 2nd grade helped us with ordering it, cause well.. let’s face it, our Korean’s not strong enough to make complete sentences without looking like idiots, lol.
Last night we ordered cookies and partied at the dorm, hihih. Yes, actually we did order cookies. I know, that sorta thing doesn’t exist in Sweden. You can barely order pizza here.. haha. They can even order McDonald’s here for Christ’s sake. I’m still trying to figure out why they’re still so darn skinny.

Pictures coming up next! Press on the picture to get a bigger image, I can’t really upload them big cause I uploaded so many.

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– Actually never mind, I realized there’s something called “SLIDESHOW”, good job.

Take care, peeps.. and I shall write ASAP, or try.


We seriously need to update more!


Yo!. Yeah I know we suck at updating. But we talked about it and both Naomi and I agreed on that we need to do better =P

Sooo what happened during this time?! First we celebrated Choseok which is the Korean thanksgiving.  During this holiday you don’t have school for a couple of days and then you meet up with your relatives. AND YOU EAT A LOT! 

I went with my host family to the grandparents’ house that was located about 3ookm from Busan. We had to wake up early because of the traffic. i think we departed at around 5.30am and we arrived to the house at 9.30am.

What we did was basically to relax and to eat food. And on the next coming morning we woke up and then right away we had a ceremony to which we had to bow in front of a table with food that was given to the ancestors. After that we ate again .. and then we went to another house too.. guess what.. EAT!=p

to sum up chuseok  I would say that it was a very fun experience and that  i had a great time !

 Unfortunately I’m back in school now. All the Korean students are studying very hard for their mid terms that will start next Monday. The pressure on these students is very high but next Friday it will be over and they can relax for about 2 months and then more exams will take place=/

In about 15 minutes I’m going to eat dinner, I’m starving =P

anyway we will update more and if we don’t then yell at us 😉



You and I together – it just feels so right

Park Bom’s so cute! Just a FYI. I think it’s going to be my new thing, putting up kpop lyrics as titles of my posts.
Right now I’m reading through my email, that I couldn’t check for a few days because of the Internet connection. Guess what? I got approx. 10 emails with homework from teachers. In a way it’s a relief, because then I actually know what I’m going to do, but it’s so much.. to the extent that I really don’t know where to start. I guess that’s IB? This would actually mean that I’m not supposed to sit here and write a new post. But like my last English teacher said (WARNING; MIGHT BE SEEN AS OFFENSIVE) “Procrastination is like masturbating. At first it feels good, but in the end you’ve only screwed yourself.” Wise words from a wise teacher.
This week’s been good, so far. Actually it became better than I was expecting this weekend. Cheers to that. Last weekend was really fun! A friend from school, Jess, had a musical performance at this youth festival in a church. After that we went to a noraebang (a.k.a karaoke) and sang till we couldn’t sing more, haha. The night ended with a sleepover at Jess’ and the first scary movie. Lol, that is one weird movie. Of course I laugh.  I wish could’ve posted pics of the night, because we went sightseeing after the karaoke, like the beach where you could see this bridge called diamond bridge. Basically a prettier version of the bridge in San Fransisco. But unfortunately the camera’s at the host family’s.
Btw, 2NE1’s new song “Go Away” is my new addiction. SWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET.
More shall come tomorrow, cause then I’ll be sightseeing at the big shopping mall! Oh, and we’re getting cellphones.

Okay, I’m just gonna go all ego and post a pic of myself. YES, you all love that.

– Naomi

This weekend has been very fun!
I got to my hostfamily friday afternoon! And they are great btw.. they take really good care of me and they also understand the difference between the two cultures so they always try to make things easier for me =). But i like to try new things though !

well yesterday ( saturday) We ( Me , Naomi, Henrik, Lukas) went to a church to see a performance. It was one of our friends from school that invited us to go, cause she was going to participate in the musical =).
After that we went to a place to do the korean version of  karaoke..  sooo fun ! =)=) I’ll upload pictures of that later=)

And now It’s Sunday 11:36 and i’m getting up at about 6.30 tomorrow!. maybe I should sleep soon!..sooo I’ll add more things later.

– Jennie


Well I dont really know what to write so I’m just going to write some random things i guess. First of all!.. Why am I here writing when I should be studying.. hehe. I’m actually very hungry and I can’t really focus so it’s better  doing something good with the blog then not doing anything at all.

So lets start with how the day has been so far!
First we woke up at 6 am. We had actually planned to wake up around 5.30 but Naomis wake up thing on her Ipod doesn’t really work :O!  Soo at 6 we woke up and k-pop was playing in the speakers! Anyway, then we  went to the cafeteria to eat breakfast..and today they had bread( surprising) and like cornflakes!!. But the thing is that if you eat that kind of food you get hungry very fast  again. I would say that i prefer the korean breakfast more even though it’s more like a lunch than a breakfast! 
After the breakfast we went to the gateway ( our study room) and i think pretty much all of us fell asleep. Well to sum up what has happend so far today it’s only : eating breakfast, going to classes ( music,P.E, and English). 

The English lessons here are so much better than the once I have in Sweden. Here it  actually feels like you have more knowledge about the subject than you had before the class started ( like it should be). So five starts to the english class!

Soon it’s lunch time so I’ll just put up some pictures to show you what our dorm looks like!!  =D

I just realized that the pictures are kinda blurry so I might take some new once later!!

– Jennie

Settling down

So a week has passed, plus a few days. I don’t really know what to say. It’s all been great, there are new things to absorb 24/7, even if we’re at the school the whole time. New things happen every time. So this weekend was my first meet with my host family – The Lee family. I was really nervous since I actually hadn’t talked to them before except for the daughter, but that was just through email. But it turned out to be a really great family. Mother, father and two daughters. Sophie and Marie. The little kid (Marie) couldn’t seem to amazing me. Great kid, right there. They showed me around, like a little Busan tour. We went to Haeundae Beach that is like.. super famous in Asia.. or something. Lol, anyway it was great. Lol. Then we went to the mall, and it wasn’t just any mall. It was the biggest mall in the whole world. FOR REAL. It actually is a fact. They had everything. But I didn’t buy anything, cause there’ll be more opportunities. I just ended up buying shampoo. Great *anxiety attack*, lol. I was really lucky with this host family, I ended up having a really great weekend because of the Lee family. Very appreciated.
This Monday I also joined the dance club at school. Interesting. These people are on a whole other level. It’s kinda crazy actually, since my experience with school clubs back in Sweden didn’t match the ones here in South Korea. I guess I was being too naive.

So this movie is from our flight(s) and the first day in Busan, South Korea. Pretty funny. Oh, and the second one’s from today actually. Please don’t take it too serious.

I shall credit Henrik cause, well.. he kinda made these awesome movies in minutes. Pretty genius. Okay, fine, he has a Mac.


–  Naomi

First impressions

Good mornin! Here it’s approx. 08.40, in Sweden it’s like  02.40? Lol. It took me a while to get used to the time differences. Stupid jet lag.
It’s pretty great out here, it really is. A thought ran by; I’d like to live here. Another thought went by; HAHAAHHAHAHAHA.
Okay, so Jennie wrote the summary of our trip. It was a painful 18 hour trip right there – especially when you have a cold and a fever (Y).
So I’m just going to tell about some stuff that happened.
When we arrived outside the school, we saw faces. Faces behind the window – SCREAMING. If you’re not asian and want attention, this is the place to be. Hahah. It’s great though, they’re the friendliest people I’ve ever met. If it wasn’t for them, I’d be feeling homesick the second I got here. So thank you, fellow Koreans!
Oh, so the whole week we’ve been with classes full of girls. We’re in different classes everytime, just to mix up and get to know everyone. It’s always been girls, you see, the classes are separate to girl’s classes and boys’. The guys (henrik & lukas) always got so much attention because 1. they were the only boys in the classroom 2. they were non-asians. So, yesterday (friday) we were in a boys’ class.. hehehehehehehe… boy were we nervous. There’s a huge difference when you as a girl is in a class full of girls the whole week, and then suddenly you’re the only girls in the class, WOAH. It was fun though, cause usually the guys don’t even look at us cause they’re so shy. That lesson you couldn’t see anything shy with them, lol, the tables had turned. Can’t be bothered to tell you about it, so much to say, haha. But that lesson was the most fun of all classes. They’re as immature as I am!! ❤

Skolan - Ett berg BREDVID skolan.. Ser ut som att bergen når molnen..

– Naomi


Okey now we are finally here!! It took about 18 hours to get here from Gothenburg. we started our journey at Landvetter airport 5 o’clock in the morning. The plane was leaving at 6.30am.. well anyway we took the plane to Munich , which took about 2 hours, then we had to wait until 12am for the plane to Korea!.. The flight from Germany to Korea took about 13 hours.. and we had to make a stop in Seoul ( the capital of South Korea) to do another security check before continuing to Pusan and our final destination!!

Then we finally arrived and then the time was 7-8 in the morning here in Korea (2-3 am in Sweden). People from the school picked us up with a bus that took us straight to the school.. later we got something to eat and they showed us the dormitory and our new room!. Later on we had a lunch at an Italian restaurant down town with the head master ( how should act around such an important person =S ?). We were totally exhausted so we almost fell asleep right at the table…

Back in school they let us sleep for some hours and then we had dinner in the school cafeteria. So about the food.. it can be really good but also very.. hmm the word thats most suitable for this would be -Different-. Because thats what it is. It’s soo different from what we are used to.      -And yes we eat rice with every meal XD-..

When we eat we have a kind of tray made of steel.. and we use a spoon and a pair of chopstick. which are not made of wood like we are “used to” but they are also made of steel so it’s really hard to use them ( for me at least).

Then about our school days.. we get up at around 6 am and then we are heading to the cafeteria before 7 or something like that…. hm.. well we basically go to school from 8am to 10pm every day. so 14 hours in school XD..  After school we just go to the dormito
ry and sleep.. or hang out with the other student.. but at 1am the lights are out !!!

well this was only a little from what we have experienced so far!!

we will write soon again!


– Jennie

Känns som att tiden går segare och segare..

… Fast ändå inte. Jag har så jäkla mycket att göra. Den är kvart över 2 på morgonen och jag åker om typ 2 timmar. Detta borde jag göra tills dess;
– Kolla så att allt jag ska ha med till Sydkorea är med i bagaget
– Checka så att kameran och iPoden är fulladade
– Duscha

Then I’m good to go. Btw, mitt hår är så jäkla rakt just nu att någon faktiskt skulle tro att jag var en ganska så mörk asiat. Lol.

–  Naomi